Posted on December 20, 2018
An estate is all of the money and property a decedent owned at the time of their death.
It’s really that simple as far as a definition is concerned. However, you have to be careful because the value of their estate may be less that you think. The assets in the estate are subject to liens, mortgages and debts so just because someone has what seems like a lot of money and property it might not be as much as you thought because these things will reduce it.
There are also different categories of an estate. There’s a probate estate and a non-probate estate. There’s a taxable estate and a non-taxable estate. So, once you calculate the total estate you can then separate the estate assets into these different categories to better manage everything. These asset classifications and their effects are all dealt with during the estate administration process.
Price & Price attorneys have received recognition from various groups and publications. Specific awards are noted on our attorney bios. More information about each of these awards and the methodology used for selection can be found on the following links. Super Lawyers and SJ Magazine 2017 Top Attorneys. No aspect of these accolades has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.