Posted on January 22, 2019
Someone is said to die intestate if they die without a will. That’s it. If you die without a will you die intestate and the laws of intestacy will govern your estate. Those are the laws that direct who will become the administrator of your estate and who will be the beneficiaries.
If someone has a will at the time of their death then they will name their executor in their will and list the beneficiaries of their estate. Things are more straightforward – and often less expensive – when there is a will involved so you are well served to have a good, up to date, valid will.
Price & Price attorneys have received recognition from various groups and publications. Specific awards are noted on our attorney bios. More information about each of these awards and the methodology used for selection can be found on the following links. Super Lawyers and SJ Magazine 2017 Top Attorneys. No aspect of these accolades has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.